Design Execution of Door Curtains for Hazrat Nizamuddin Dargah

When Shaaz Ahmed, an acclaimed Animation
Film Designer and a close freind approached us
for a collaboration project to execute the designs
he had made for door curtains for the Nizamuddin Dargah
we were elated. We dug our heels in and decided to get on
with the task. The sketches made by Shaaz were the starting
point. We were to make it for both the Master Hazrat
Nizamuddin Auliya ra and Hazrat Amir Khusrou ra.
The first task was to enlarge the scale and sketch it out and add the details.

Next we tranferred the details on to the base fabric. This then became the guideline for the embroidery and patchwork for the design.
Handling the large fabric on the hand machine was no mean feat. But when you love what you do, you take the challenge head on!

The final finished product up at the
Tuti-e-Hind Hazrat Amir Khusrou Shrine
with Jb Gohar Nizami Sb.
The final finished product up at the
Mehboob-e-Elahi Hazrat Nizamuddin
Auliya Shrine.